Get a Merchant Account Today…
Our trusted partner, ProcessUSA, helps 1,000s of businesses worldwide accept credit card payments online. They’re on standby to help your business, too.
Merchant Account Forum was started in 2001 by Richard Adams. Here is what he had to say about his motivation to create this site:
“This site was initially started 3 years ago (editors note: site is now 9 years old!) after my own frustrations at trying to set up a website to sell computers. The story of my own problems with gaining an internet merchant account is here.
I searched high and low for reasonably priced yet reliable providers of internet merchant accounts that would accept me. It took a clear 6 months of trial and error, research and experimentation until I finally found such a company.
Since that experience I set up this website to help others with just such a problem.
As the site has grown in popularity, we’ve been adding to it – finding new internet merchant accounts, reviewing them, using them and interviewing both the support staff from the internet merchant accounts and those who actually use them.
This site therefore has grown into a hub of information on the subject of internet merchant accounts and I feel confident that the companies we recommend here after much research and validation really are the best in the business.”
Fast forward to 2010:
Merchant Account Forum has a proud new owner. We plan on keeping Mr. Adams original vision of helping you understand how online merchant accounts work and how to find the merchant account services to suit your business.

Get a Merchant Account Today…
Our trusted partner, Entrust Bankcard, helps 1,000s of businesses worldwide accept credit card payments online. They’re on standby to help your business, too.
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